Artist/Band: Traditional Tabs
Song: Ragtime Cowboy Joe Tab
C Cdim C F7
Out in Ar-i-zon-a where the bad men are
C A7 D7 G7
And the on-ly thing to guide you is an Eve-'ning star
Gaug C Cdim C E7 Am D9 G C
The rough-est, tough-est man by far is Rag-time Cow-boy Joe
G Gdim G C7
Got his name from sing-in� to the cows and sheep
G E7 A9 D7 G
Ev'ry night they say he sings the herd to sleep
C Cdim C E7 Am B7 Em G7
In a bass-o rich and deep croon-in' soft and low.
He al-ways sings rag-gy mu-sic to the cat-tle
As he swings back and for-ward in the sad-dle
On a horse that is syn-co-pat-ed, gait-ed,
C Am D7 G7
And there's such a fun-ny me-ter to the roar of his re-peat-er
How they run when hear that fel-low's gun
Because the West-ern folks all know
E7 Am
He's a high-fa-lut-ing, scoot-ing, shoot-ing
D7b5 C A7 D9 G7 C
Son-of-a-gun from Ar-i-zo-na Rag-time Cow-boy Joe.
He dressed up ev'ry Sun-day in his Sun-day clothes
He beats it for the vil-lage where he al-ways goes
And ev'ry girl in town is Joe's 'cause he's a rag-time bear.
When he starts a-spieling on the dance hall floor
No one but a lun-a-tic would start a war
Wise men know his fo-rty four makes men dance for fair.
[Thanks to danratner for tabs]